Get Refresh Token

When an access token expires, a new access token can be requested by using the refresh_token grant type and passing the refresh token.


Access tokens from grant_type: password require user credentials. Refresh tokens allow you to request new access tokens without prompting for a user's credentials.

Adding Refresh Token to the Access Token Request

  1. Create a POST request to /core/connect/token.
  2. Configure the request just as you would for requesting a token.
  3. Include offline_access to the scope key.

The response will now include a refresh_token


Refresh the Access Token using a Refresh Token

  1. Create a new POST request using the auth server endpoint /core/connect/token.
  2. Set body to x-www-form-urlencoded and add the keys grant_type, refresh_token, client_id, and client_secret.
  3. Set request Grant_Type key value set to refresh_Token.
  4. For refresh_token key value, enter in the returned refresh token from the previous request.