API Reference

Get Amortized Fees

Returns a list of Amortized Fees for a given Loan Acctrefno

Amort_Type: 0 for Straight Line - Periodic, 1 for Straight Line - Custom, 2 for Effective Interest Method,
3 for Effective Interest Method - Daily Accrual, 4 for Principal/Original Balance Prorata Method, 5 for Rule of 78's,
6 for Average of Rule of 78's and Straight Line
Amort_Prem_Disc_Flag: false for Premium, true for Discount
Option_Flags: 1 for Allow negative entries, 2 for Rebate Rule - Through End of Period, 4 for Rebate Rule - Proportional,
8 for Rebate Rule - Nearest Payment Date, 16 for Cancel on Early Payoff, 32 for Increase Payment Amount
Refund_Type: 0 for None, 1 for Actuarial, 2 for Pro-Rata, 3 for Rule of 78's

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