API Reference

Get Loan Status Codes

Returns a list of Loan Status Codes

Status_Flags: 1 for Disable All Transactions, 2 for Disable Principal Advance, 4 for Disable Principal Reductions, 8 for Disable All Payments,
16 for Disable Accruals, 32 for Disable Statements, 64 for Disable Late Notice, 128 for Disable Impound Analysis, 256 for Disable Status List,
512 for Disable Credit Line Advance, 1024 for Disable ACH Payment, 2048 for Disable Credit Card Payment, 4096 for Payment Distribution Order Override,
8192 for Revoke Same As Cash, 16384 for Hide On Loan Screen, 32768 for Lock Payment Distribution Order Override, 65536 for Disable Text, 131072 for Disable Email,
262144 for Disable NSF, 524288 for Disable Fee, 1048576 for Accrued With Zero Interest, 2097152 for Do Not Generate Billing, 4194304 for Exclude From Campaign,
8388608 for Exclude From Dialer, 16777216 for Do Not Allow Click To Dial, 33554432 for Disable Representments, 67108864 for Disable Manually Created ACH,
134217728 for Disable_Recurring_Card_Payments, 268435456 for Disable_Borrower_Portal_Card_Payments, 536870912 for Report_Zero_Value,
1073741824 for Disable_Card_Representments, 2147483648 for Disable_Borrower_Portal_Ach_Payments, 4294967296 for Cancel_Ach_Payments,
8589934592 for Cancel_Card_Payments, 17179869184 for Disable_Recurring_Ach_Payments, 34359738368 for Disable_Print and Payment Distribution Override is not
considered a Status Flag.

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