API Reference

Get Automated Payment Companies

Returns a list of Automated Payment Companies

AutomatedPaymentType: 0 for ACH, 1 for AFT
Option_Flag: 1 for Credit Only, 2 for Debit And Credit, 4 for Debit Only, 8 for Continue Draft After Payoff, 16 for Continue Draft After Maturity,
32 for Do Not Adjust, 64 for Scheduled Payment Only, 128 for Do Not Resubmit If Payment Is More Than Payoff, 256 for Do Not Resubmit If Main ACH Is Disabled,
512 for Suspend Resubmit On Returned ACH, 1024 for Do Not Resubmit If Active PTP Exist, 2048 for Do Not Charge NSF On Resubmit Return,
4096 for Do Not Resubmit If Conflict With Scheduled ACH AFT

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