API Reference

Get Loan Template Interest Rates

Returns a list of Interest Rates for a given Loan_Template_No

Stream_No Column: 0 for Default, 1 for Deferred Interest Rate
Stream_Destination Column: 0 for Current Interest, 1 for Deferred Interest
Step_Type Column: 0 for N/A, 1 for Days, 2 for Amount
Interest_Type: 0 for Normal, 1 for Post Maturity, 2 for Default while in Default, 3 for Default until Maturity, 4 for Add On, 5 for Buy Down, 7 for Introductory
Irc_Type: 0 for No Change, 1 for Relative From Origination Date, 4 for Fixed Date
Irc_Period: DA for Days, WE for Weekly, BW for Bi-Weekly, SM for Semi-Monthly, S4 for Semi-Monthly (14-day), 28 for 28 Day, MO for Monthly, BM for Bi-Monthly, QU for Quarterly, SA for Semi-Annually, AN for Annual
Irc_Dayvalue_Flag: 0 for N/A, 1 for Force Negative, 2 for Force Positive, 3 for Force Neutral
Src_Type: 0 for No Change, 1 for Relative From Origination Date, 4 for Fixed Date 5 for Relative From Initial Rate Change
Src_Period: DA for Days, WE for Weekly, BW for Bi-Weekly, SM for Semi-Monthly, S4 for Semi-Monthly (14-day), 28 for 28 Day, MO for Monthly, BM for Bi-Monthly, QU for Quarterly, SA for Semi-Annually, AN for Annual
Src_Dayvalue_Flag: 0 for N/A, 1 for Force Negative, 2 for Force Positive, 3 for Force Neutral
Peg_Interest_Type: 0 for N/A, 1 for Days, 2 for Expression
Peg_Interest_Expression_1: 0 for N/A, 1 for First, 2 for Second, 3 for Third, 4 for Fourth, 5 for Last
Peg_Interest_Expression_2: 0 for N/A, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, 3 for Wednesday, 4 for Thursday, 5 for Friday, 6 for Saturday, 7 for Sunday
Peg_Interest_Expression_3: 0 for N/A, 1 for Previous Month, 2 for Previous Period, 3 for Previous Calendar Quarter
Min_Interest_Charge_Method: 0 for N/A, 1 for Number of days, 2 for Fixed Amount, 3 for Percentage of Principal
Compound_Type: 0 for None, 1 for Periodic Compounding, 2 for Compounding When Past Due, 3 for Compounding Past Due
Compound_Period: DA for Days, WE for Weekly, BW for Bi-Weekly, SM for Semi-Monthly, S4 for Semi-Monthly (14-day), 28 for 28 Day, MO for Monthly, BM for Bi-Monthly, QU for Quarterly, SA for Semi-Annually, AN for Annual
BaseRateSpreadBasis: 0 for Current Principal, 1 for Loan Amount, 2 for Credit Line

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